There are lots of questions surrounding races. We are here to help. Here are some of the most asked questions that new families have. Still don’t have the information you are looking for, please ask anyone in the club, we will be more then happy to assist!

New families are always paired up with experienced mentor families to help with the transition to the team.

How do I register my child for a race?

If it is a BWL Divisional race of a Qualifier or State Series, your coach will enter your child into the race.  If it is an Open race, you will need to enter your child into that race.  You will need to fill out an entry form (voucher) for each race you plan to attend.  You can either register on-line on the NHARA website (using  AdminSkiRacing or RunSignup) or send in a voucher to the race secretary. A sample Voucher form can be found in the NHARA Handbook or on the NHARA website.  Be sure not to enlarge or reduce the voucher form.  Complete it legibly using the SAME name as appears on the USSA membership card. To save time, fill out the information that is common to all your entries, (name, etc.) but not the race and date, then make copies of the filled out form for future entries.

Once you have filled out the Voucher, you will need to send it in to the Race Secretary.  A list of the names and addresses of the Race Secretary for each race can be found in the NHARA Handbook or on the NHARA Website.  Try to send in the Voucher to the Race Secretary at least 2-3 weeks before the race.  Be sure to include a check in the appropriate amount.  A SEPARATE CHECK MUST BE SENT FOR EACH RACER FOR EACH RACE. If you have 2 children going to the same race – write 2 checks. You may send the 2 entries and checks in the same envelope. It is helpful to put the race date on the outside of the envelope.

How do I cancel from a race entry?

If you wish to cancel your entry you must call the Race Secretary by 9 a.m., 3 days before the race. A list of Race Secretaries and their phone numbers can be found in the NHARA Handbook or on the NHARA website.  If you do not call in advance to cancel, your check will be cashed.

What memberships do I have to enroll my child in to participate?

You will need to have your child join USSA (United States Ski Association).  Their website is:  This membership is required to participate with the Wildcat Ski Team.  Additionally, you will need to have your child join NHARA (New Hampshire Alpine Racing Association).  Their website is:  This membership is not required to participate with the Wildcat Ski Team, but it is required to race in the State races.  Your child will need to show proof of membership with USSA and NHARA at registration prior to each race.      

What happens if I don’t return my bib?

You must return your bib on race day.  If you don’t there is typically a $20 charge for any bib not returned (this amount may be more and will depend on the mountain). Keep your bib with you at all times and do NOT leave it on the lunch table.

What are the expectations of a parent?

The “expectations” that we have generate the most questions. All too often parents may hold one expectation, the coaches another and the athlete still another.

STEP BACK AND OBSERVE: The hardest but most important thing for us to do with our children as they become involved in a sport is to step back and let them develop their independence and begin to learn through guided self-discovery. Whether at a training session at Wildcat or a Buddy Werner Race at Attitash, or a NH SL Championship Race, the young racer performs best when the parents stay in the background.

The most important thing at these ages is to let them play and have fun at their sport. Praise their efforts and not results. Help develop love for sport. Encourage their dreams. Support and guide their goals and choices.

BE A VOLUNTEER: Share the experience in sports with your children by becoming involved in the organization and logistics of the sport. Work races, maintain race equipment, carry gates up and down from training sessions or help in any way you can think of (newsletter, social event, fundraising). As you watch your child work and play with fellow racers and their coaches, you will learn from the process and learn more than by any other means, including psychological testing, about your child. Your child will appreciate you being there in an “official” capacity and will learn that you care enough to become more involved.

FOCUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Your children are at a prime skills development age when they are in our race program, and therefore we are a skills-development focused program. Our goals are to teach your children to become the best skiers they can be first, and to be racers second. The developmental work we do now must not be underrated. When you have questions about how much racing or gate training your children are doing, please come discuss this with coaching staff.

We as parents and coaches have to be careful not to take the race too seriously and the child not seriously enough.

This is why we believe it to be more productive to direct the racers’ focus on why they are there in the first place. They love it and want to race because it is fun and exciting. These are things they can control and which will ultimately determine their performance.

IS YOUR CHILD HAPPY? This is one of the most important questions to ask yourself and the coaches. If your child is happy in the racing program and is having a positive experience, you can relax and let the learning take care of itself.



 “One more thought, but this time strictly as a parent who has been there. It is perfectly all right NOT to show up for every race. Matter of fact, it is better not to. Let the kids have fun without being under pressure from us to perform. That goes for training too. Somehow having Mom and Dad standing on the hill watching training runs doesn’t always help. If you want to help and show them you’re interested, helping the coaches put up and take down courses and safety nets is a great way and it saves time for training.”