Every worker must sign in at RACE REGISTRATION or you will not be given credit

Chief of Race (COR)

(Must be a USSA Alpine Official –AO.)

COR is responsible for overall adequate staffing of race, assigning work assignments (from race worker availability list posted on Wildcat Ski Team website), notifying workers in advance of race of assignments and the overall running of the race.


  • The COR contacts the mountain the week before to communicate location of the start, type of lift ticket required, present of ski patrol day of race, early lift for set crew and 7 am open for the Bobcat lodge for Race registration.
  • The Thursday prior to the race, the COR needs to determine racer count (get information from race secretary) and order racer, coaches, worker and parent tickets from the mountain. The complete job description is posted.
  • The day before: check with chief of course about start location and B-Netting, pack all bags- the list for these are in the office in the den: start bags- there are several of these one for timing, one for the start referee; mid-phone, (For GS two more headphones for Nastar start and for slalom finish) Get radios in the morning and assign them to proper people.

Race Day: arrival at 6:45

  • Check with registration, timing crew, start crew, course setter, and finish crew.
  • Make sure registration materials are at Bobcat Lodge (with tickets) before 7:30.
  • Attend coaches meeting at (usually set for 8:30).
  • Check in with the chiefs throughout the day to help resolve any issues.
  • Make sure first run referee and hand-timing sheets get to the Chief of Timing after each run.
  • Check in with registration regarding announcements for second run inspection and start.
  • Communicate with the Technical Delegate (TD) and Race Referee regarding race decisions: start times, course conditions, safety issues, Member of Jury in the event of a protest.

Chief of Course (COC)

(Optimal for COC to be an AO (required for scored races) and must be on skis.)

The COC is responsible for reviewing instructions with the course maintenance crew and assigning duties (i.e. course setting assistance, chalking course, course upkeep, placement of workers along the course during race,course reset and course pull-down). (Basically, the COC is responsible for everything dealing with the course, course maintenance and the hill condition.)


  • COC is responsible for the course, course maintenance and the overall condition of the hill.
  • Will need to orchestrate setting of B-Netting as required for the race and the hill (usually day before race).

Race Day: arrival Time 6:45

  • 7am lift for course setting and hill prep

The COC is responsible for reviewing instructions with the course maintenance crew and assigning duties (i.e. course setting assistance, chalking course, course upkeep, placement of workers along the course during race, course reset and course pull-down). The COC is responsible for everything dealing with the course, course maintenance and the hill condition.

Course Maintenance Crew

Race Day: arrival time 7 am

Be at the mountain to help set the course and to set B-Netting.

  • Gates, drills, wrenches, rakes, shovels, starting equipment, finish equipment (SL) and control fencing needs to be brought up lift from the den.
  • Start needs to be set up- wand, starting post dug and set, headphones hooked up, start corral set up, (someone should grab the Race in Progress sign from the den and place this at the start as needed).
  • Depending on assignment given by COC, assist with setup of start, assist with setting of course, assist with placement of B-Netting, assist with setup of finish, assist with  placement of control fencing.
  • After course set and TD and Referee okay course, the course needs to be dyed (chalk the gate base of the turning poles-the same color for every gate but different colors for each run) and someone needs to do a gate count and number the gates, (this is done by attaching numbered clothes pins to the non-turning gates).  Report to the finish and race secretary with the number of gates and direction changes.
  • During the race- maintenance needs to slip and rake if the snow begins to break down and replace broken gates if needed. The goal is to maintain a consistent surface for the racers and avoid snow buildup on the lower lines or large ruts.
  • Assist or attend to fallen racers and help escort them safely off the race-course.
  • If the decision is made to salt the course the maintenance crew will help put down the salt.
  • After the first run the crew should help remove the first run gates and help to set the second run.
  • Take down after second run includes the racecourse and often all the B-netting on the hill. We ask older athletes to help take down netting, younger racers can work in teams with supervision. Ultimately we are responsible for leaving the hill clean and ready for the groomers.

Start crew- Starter, Start Referee, Start Hand-timing, Assistant Starter

7:45 am arrival for 9:30 race

Pick up backpacks at the den, (double-check backpacks- list in the Den Office)

The start referee needs to have a radio

Be at start for inspection- This will be an hour before start time so usually at 8:30

The Start Referee (Needs AO) must remain at the start from the beginning of the official inspection time until the end of the race. The Start referee must ensure that there are reserve bibs at the start. (These should be in the marked start bag for pick up in the den).The start referee is responsible for equipment checks and should review the USSA rules prior to the race for the age appropriate rules. All skis must have brakes and all helmets must have a hard surface that covers the ears. The start referee may insert racer into the run order for a provisional re-run or an approved out-of-order start. The start referee and starter need to get a running order for both runs.

Start Hand-timers- the watches need to be synchronized between runs so they must go to the head timer at the finish between runs and then must be returned to the start before the second run.

The start crew should break down the start at the end of the race, the start wand and headphones go in marked bags and are returned to the den. The timing sheets and referee sheets need to be delivered to the finish and given to the timing crew. (For Slalom this will be the finish building up on the hill, for GS this is the timing room in the den.)

The starting pads and posts need to be returned to the den and any fencing needs to be removed.  We need to leave the hill clean for the groomer.

Finish Crew–Finish Referee, Finish Hand-Timer

7:45 am arrival for a 9:30 start

Pick up clipboards and marked backpacks in the den.

The Finish Referee( Needs AO) must remain at the Finish from the beginning of the official inspection time until the end of the race The Finish Referee needs to have a radio and acts as the backup hand-timer. This is especially important if one racer overtakes another. The finish Referee verifies each bib number that finishes. He/She also verifies that the finish area is kept clear and safe. Confirms with racer the opportunity to head up to the start for provisional re-run and communicates with TD and Race referee.

Hand-timers- the watches need to be synchronized between runs so they must go to the head timer at the finish after the first run and then get brought back to the Finish before the second run.

Set up Finish- beam set up, dye across the finish line,

In charge of Finish corral set-netting needs to be brought up from the den to the finish area and finish corral needs to be constructed with safety of racer and public considered.

(this is especially important for Den Finish) The intersection from lower Cheetah to lower Bobcat should be closed off.  B-Netting at the finish should protect the racer from the woods and tower stanchions.

Head of Registration

The Head of Registration is responsible for preparing all registration materials needed for the race, setting up registration the day of the race, overseeing registration the day of the race, tallying money/checks collected at registration, reconciling tickets sold versus tickets issued by the mountain and determining payment to mountain, overseeing close of registration (bib collection) and ensuring registration materials are organized and stored in the Den at the end of the race.

The Head of Registration shall also coordinate the lunch time food for the race workers.

Prep for Registration:

  • Ensure ample supplies in registration materials container (pens, calculators, ticket wickets, etc…)
  • Create and print registration notes for registration volunteers (if needed)
  • Print forms for sign-in of coaches, officials, and race workers
  • Make signs for registration (Girls/Boys/Parent tickets), checks payable to WMAEF
  • Pick-up lift tickets from mountain (day before or morning of race)
  • Get cash change ($1s and $5s ) to make change at registration
  • Confirm registration volunteers start time (no later than 7:00 am)
  • Send out email requesting lunch food for the race workers

Registration Head Count

Minimum 3 workers

  1. Boys bibs
  2. Girls bibs
  3. Coach/race worker/parent tickets

Race Day Hours:

Start Time: 6:45 am

End Time: 45 minutes after race ends

  • Day of Setup: 6:45 am – 7:00 am
  • Morning Registration:  7:00 am – 9:30 am
  • Lunch Setup:  10:00 am – 10:30 am (1 person should stay in room after setup to ensure kids don’t eat the food)
  • Lunch Cleanup:  12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Afternoon Registration:  1:00 pm (or start of second run) until all bibs are collected and materials/bibs are stored back in Den timing room

Race Day Registration:

Morning – minimum 3 workers

  • Bring registration materials and bibs from Den to registration location (Bobcat Lodge or 1st floor of Den)
  • Set up registration tables, signs, bibs (girls line & boys line), tickets (racer, coaches, race worker, parent), cash box, racer running order sheets
  • Set up sign-up sheets for race workers and coaches
  • Register racers (collect NHARA & USSA cards in exchange for bib), provide lift ticket if not from Attitash/Wildcat
  • Hand out coach’s ticket once coach is signed in (separate line from racer registration)
  • Sell parent tickets (separate line from racer registration)
  • Once race starts, have 1 person stay at the table at all times to answer questions (see Parent Information note below) and watch registration bins
  • Once race starts, race worker sign-in sheets and coaches sign-in sheets to be given to Race Secretary

Race Workers Lunch (in Den Wax Room) – 1 to 2 workers

  • Setup table and supplies for lunch (utensils, plates/bowls, cups, napkins, etc.)
  • Turn crock pots on, set up food and drinks
  • After setup, have 1 person stay in room to monitor food until race workers come in from 1st run (kids are not allowed in the room)
  • Clean-up after race workers head out for 2nd run

Afternoon (start of 2nd run) – 2 workers

  • Collect bibs from racers and return cards
  • Organize and return all bibs/materials to the Den

Den Clean-up (3 pm)

  • Pick up trash on tables and general tidy

Ticket Notes:

  • Parent discount tickets cannot be purchased at Wildcat Mountain Guest Services.
  • Lost ticket with ticket stub will require going to guest services to have ticket reissued by the  mountain
  • Lost ticket without ticket stub will require re-purchasing of new ticket (not what mountain charges Wildcat Ski Team for ticket)
  • Extra tickets not distributed (racer, coaches, and family) must be returned to Mountain otherwise they will charge us for them. These should be return to Race Secretary
  • Tickets are interchangeable between Wildcat and Attitash

Chief of Gates and Gatekeepers

The Chief of Gates (COG) is responsible for training, organizing and monitoring Gate Judges for each race and reporting judging results to the race referee.  Gate Judges act in an official capacity to judge whether a racer has passed through a series of gates correctly or has committed a fault.

COG Pre-Race Preparation

The COG should complete the following Pre-Race Checklist:

  • Send email notice to all Gate Judges one to two days in advance with the following information:
    • Date and location of the race
    • Weather report
    • Meeting place and time in advance of the race
      • Meeting place will typically be the at the bottom of the Bobcat chairlift
      • Meeting time will typically be 30 minutes prior to official start time
    • Copy of Gate Judge rules and guidelines
    • Request confirmation of attendance from each Gate Judge
  • Ensure Gate Judge packages are prepared:
    • Bib
    • Clipboard
    • Gate cards (4 pre-completed gate cards for the applicable race, plus 2 extra blanks)
    • Pencils (pens can freeze or run)
    • Gate Judge rules and guidelines (SL/GS) with sample diagrams
    • Racer Start List
    • Plastic bag for protection
    • Gate Judge Carpet
  • Check COG Supplies/Backpack
    • Clipboard
    • Gate cards
    • Pencils
    • Bibs

COG Race Day Preparation and Duties


  • Ensure COG Radio is charged and confirm operating channels
  • Assign phone duties (and applicable equipment) to Gate Judge(s)
  • Confirm number of gates from Chief of Course
  • If possible, inspect course/gate locations during course inspection and mark placements
  • Place Gate Judges along course (paying attention to sight lines)
  • Review rules and diagraming with less experienced Gate Judges


  • Maintain accurate list of gates, gate numbers and assigned Gate Judges
  • Cycle through the course on a regular basis meeting with each Gate Judge
    • Discuss any issues or concerns with Gate Judges
    • Seek to review faults marked on gate cards regularly and inspect the corresponding diagrams
  • Remind Gate Judges:
    • Not to leave their position until instructed to do so (after confirmation of no-reruns)
    • Place to turn in gate cards at the end of reach run

Conclusion of Race

  • Collect and review gate cards from Gate Judges
  • Remind Gate Judges the may be required meet with Referee to explain faults (and to be available)
  • Provide gate cards to referee for review

Roll of Gate Judges

  • Review the rules and related materials provided by the COG in advance of each race
  • Be prompt in reporting to the race course the morning of the race, and in the afternoon for the second run
  • Prepares race card gate diagrams in advance prior to the start of each run
  • Accurately record observations for assigned gates on provided gate cards
  • When asked, provide appropriate directions to racers (“GO” – continue on course, “Back”-hiking)
  • Be available to meet with referee after each run is completed to explain observations recorded on race card
  • Do not allow spectators or coaches to influence your opinion
  • Call “course” when a course maintenance work may interfere with an oncoming racer

B-netting Work Commitment Description

  • Report at 8:30 am the day before the race.
  • B-netting is a safety net system that is set along a race course to protect racers from sliding into hazards off the course.  The Wildcat Ski team has traditionally had parents, the day before a race at Wildcat Mountain, install this safety netting.  It counts as 1 worker commitment day.
  • At the beginning of the race season, the club organizes a day to pull out all of our stored B-nets and bring them up the hill to storage sheds on the Bobcat trail for the season.  With the help of the mountain and several parent volunteers, this is usually accomplished in a few hours and does not count towards a worker credit.
  • During the season a typical “B-netting Party” involves meeting at the Den at 8:30 and organizing parent volunteers.  Ideally there are two teams of 4 with one or two runners to cycle batteries, skis, netting etc.  We head up the bobcat chair and begin installing the fencing on each side of the Bobcat trail.  B-netting the Bobcat trail typically takes around four to five hours.
  • The fencing is left up overnight and is inspected the morning of the race by the race TD and referee.  Any modifications are made by the course maintenance workers before the race begins.  At the end of the race, all racers, coaches and willing parents are asked to take down the netting and store it in a designated area until the next race.
  • At the end of the race season we have another fun filled morning of bringing the B-netting down the hill to be neatly rolled, organized and stored in the basement of the den.
  • B-netting is a vital part of keeping our racers (our children) safe.  It is also a great way for parents to help out and support the Team.